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Skill Tests Guide

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This document is intended to be a quick refernce file for making skill tests for a variety of situations.

Stealth Related Tests


Description: Moving while remaining unnoticed
Test: Stealth (Sneaking) (Open)
Dice Pool: None
Complementary Skill: None
Target Number: 4 (or as per Difficulty Number Table)
Modifiers: As per situation
Action: Complex
Base Time: Continuous
Result: Each success add 1 to the target number for perception test.
Page Ref: SR3 pg. 95

Sneak in Ultrasound Field

Description: Moving while inside the area of an ultrasound motion detector. Test must be made each turn.
Test: Stealth (Sneaking) (Opposed)
Dice Pool: None
Complementary Skill: None
Target Number: Motion Sensor Rating + As per situation +1 per extra 0.25 m/combat turn of speed
Modifiers: As per situation
Action: Complex
Base Time: Instant
Result: Can move 0.5 meter in this combat turn (2 meters if carrying an ultrasound scrambler)
Page Ref: SOTA pg. 99

Hide (Concealment)

Description: Remaining hidden while stationary
Test: Stealth (Hiding)
Dice Pool: None
Complementary Skill: None
Target Number: 4 (or As per Difficultly Number Table)
Modifiers: As per situation
Action: Complex
Base Time: Continuous
Result: Each success add 1 to the target number for perception test.
Page Ref: SR3 pg. 95

Pick Pocket/Palm Object (Opposed)

Description: Remove an object or place an object stealthily
Test: Stealth (Pick Pocket)
Dice Pool: None
Complementary Skill: None
Target Number: Targets Intelligence or as per Difficulty Number Table (inanimate targets)
Modifiers: As per situation
Action: Complex
Base Time: Instant
Page Ref: -

Conceal Object

Description: Hide an object on a person or in a place
Test: Stealth (Concealment)
Dice Pool: None
Complementary Skill: None
Target Number: 4 (or as per Difficulty Number Table)
Modifiers: As per situation
Action: Complex
Base Time: Instant
Result: Every two successes increase the concealability of the object by 1 point to a maximum of +50%
Page Ref: -

Athletics Related Tests

Increase Running (Swimming) Speed

Description: Increase quickness for running speed
Test: Athletics (Running)
Dice Pool: None
Complementary Skill: None
Target Number: 4
Modifiers: As per situation
Action: Complex
Base Time: Instant
Result: Quickness increased by number of successes for purposes of determining running (swimming) speed
Page Ref: SC pg 47

Evade Attack

Description: Utilise erratic movements to defend against attack
Test: Athletics (Evade)
Dice Pool: None
Complementary Skill: None
Target Number: 4
Modifiers: As per situation
Action: Complex
Base Time: Instant
Ref: For each success gain one combat pool dice for this turn for the purpose of dodging only
Page Ref: CC pg. 97


Test: Athletics (Climbing)
Dice Pool: None
Complementary Skill: None
Target Number: As per Climbing Table SC pg. 46
Modifiers: As per situation
Action: Complex
Base Time: (Q+S)/8 for going up, 2*(Q+S)/2 going down
Results: Increase movement by 1 m per combat turn
Page Ref: SC pg. 44

Escape Bonds

Description: Ability to slip out of ropes and handcuffs
Test: Athletics (Escapology)
Dice Pool: None
Complementary Skill: None
Target Number: Escape Artist Table (SC pg. 46)
Modifiers: As per situation
Action: Complex
Base Time: (5 x target number for test) minutes
Page Ref: SC pg. 46


Test: Athletics (Jumping)
Dice Pool: None
Complementary Skill: None
Target Number: Length (Running Horizontal]]
2* Length/Height (Horizontal/Vertical)
Modifiers: As per situation
Action: Complex
Base Time: Instant
Result: Running Horizontal (Quickness) m
Standing Horizontal/Vertical (Quickness)/3 m
Each Success adds 1 to effective quickness
Page Ref: SC pg. 47


Test: Strength
Dice Pool: None
Complementary Skill: Athletics (Lifting)
Target Number: Mass of object in kg/10
Modifiers: As per situation
Action: Complex
Base Time: Instant
Result: Can lift 12 kg per strength point. For each success increase effective strength by 1 point.
Page Ref: SC pg. 47

Hold Breath

Test: Body
Dice Pool: None
Complementary Skill: Athletics (Diving)
Target Number: 4
Modifiers: As per situation
Action: Complex
Base Time: Instant
Result: Increase length of time to hold breath by 20% (3 turns) per success over the base time of 45 seconds (15 Turns)
Page Ref: SC pg. 47

Knowledge Related Tests

Recall Fact

Description: Remember a certain fact
Test: Appropriate Knowledge Skill or Int +4
Dice Pool: None
Complementary Skill: None
Target Number: As per Knowledge Skill Table SR3 pg. 96
Modifiers: As per situation
Action: NA
Base Time: NA
Result: As per Knowledge Skill Table SR3 pg. 96
Page Ref: SR3 pg. 96

Understand Foreigner/Concept

Description: Understand concept in foreign language or even difficult concept in own language
Test: Language Skill or closest default
Dice Pool: None
Complementary Skill: None
Target Number: As per Language Skill Table SR3 pg. 97
Modifiers: As per situation
Action: NA
Base Time: NA
Result: As per Knowledge Skill Table SR3 pg. 96
Page Ref: SR3 pg. 96=7

Social Related Tests

Acquire Information from Willing Subject (Contact)

Description: Talk to contact in a friendly/professional way to gain relevant information without ticking them off
Test: Etiquette (Appropriate Specialisation) +1 dice for level 2 contacts, +2 dice for level 3 contacts
Dice Pool: None
Complementary Skill: None
Target Number: 4
Modifiers: As per Social Modifiers Table SR3 pg. 94
Action: NA
Base Time: NA
Result: Each success add to level of detail contact may reveal. Successes can reduce payment (base is contacts I + C x 50 Nuyen).
Page Ref: SR3 pg. 94

Acquire Information from Unwilling Subject

Description: Used when a character wants to question an individual in a non-polite way
Test: Interrogation –Nice (Open) or Intimidation-Nasty (Open)
Dice Pool: None
Complementary Skill: None
Target Number: 4
Modifiers: As per Social Modifiers Table SR3 pg. 94
Action: NA
Base Time: NA
Result: Each success add to level of detail subject may reveal. Successes can reduce time.
Page Ref: SR3 pg. 94

Resist Interrogation/Intimidation

Description: Keeping your mouth shut!
Test: Willpower
Dice Pool: None
Complementary Skill: Interrogation or Intimidation
Target Number: Open Test Result of Interrogation or Intimidation
Modifiers: As per Social Modifiers Table SR3 pg. 94
Action: NA
Base Time: NA
Result: This clown aint talking!
Page Ref: SR3 pg. 93

Negotiate Payment

Description: Increase or decrease payment from job or for buying/selling items or services.
Test: Negotiation (Haggling) (Opposed)
Dice Pool: None
Complementary Skill: None
Target Number: Targets Intelligence
Modifiers: As per Social Modifiers Table SR3 pg. 94
Action: NA
Base Time: NA
Result: Each success changes payment by + or - 5%.
Page Ref: SR3 pg. 94

Fast Talk

Description: You want to tell someone lies, sweet little lies.
Test: Negotiation (Fast Talk) Open
Dice Pool: None
Complementary Skill: None
Target Number: 4
Modifiers: As per Social Modifiers Table SR3 pg. 94
Action: NA
Base Time: NA
Result: Becomes target number for targets perception or charisma tests to spot lie.
Page Ref: SR3 pg. 93

Search Matrix

Description: Search the matrix for information on a subject.
Test: Etiquette (Matrix)
Dice Pool: None
Complementary Skill: None
Target Number: 4 (or as per Knowledge Skill Table pg. 96 SR3)
Modifiers: As per situation
Action: NA
Base Time: 2D6 Hours
Result: Successes may reduce time or increase depth of information. Maximum Searches equals half Int.
Page Ref: SR3 pg. 254

Find Fence

Description: Find someone to buy your stolen goods.
Test: Etiquette (Street or other appropriate ettiquette)
Dice Pool: None
Complementary Skill: None
Target Number: 4
Modifiers: As per Finding a Fence Table SR3 pg. 238
Action: NA
Base Time: 10 days
Result: Successes may reduce base time. For each day make a test using number of days as dice vs target number 6 to see if the original owners of the objects become aware of the sale.
Page Ref: SR3 pg. 253

Electronics Related Tests

Remove/Replace Electronics Casing

Description: Removing the case of an electronics object such as a maglock, where the case is not meant to be easy to remove without damaging it.
Test: Electronics B/R (Security Systems)
Dice Pool: None
Complementary Skill: None
Target Number: Item rating + Anti tamper level
Modifiers: As per situation
Action: Complex
Base Time: 60 seconds
Result: Case removed. Successes reduce time. Failure to achieve a number of successes equal to anti tamper rating trips alarm.
Page Ref: SOTA pg. 100

Hotwire Maglock

Description: Once the case is removed the circuitry or the lock can by bypassed.
Test: Electronics (Security Systems)
Dice Pool: None
Complementary Skill: None
Target Number: Maglock Rating + Anti Tamper Rating +1/each additional security system
Modifiers: As per situation
Action: Complex
Base Time: 60 Seconds
Result: Case removed. Successes reduce time. Failure to achieve a number of successes equal to anti tamper rating trips alarm.
Page Ref: SOTA pg. 100

Tech Skill Tests

First Aid

Description: Patch ‘em up after they’ve been shot.
Test: Biotech (First Aid)
Dice Pool: None
Complementary Skill: Medicine
Target Number: L-4, M-6, S-8, D-10
Modifiers: As per First Aid Table SR3 pg. 129
Action: Complex
Base Time: 5/10/15/Sepcial combat turns
Result: Wound decreases one level. Deadly wounds stabilise.
Page Ref: SR3 pg. 129