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SR4 Hacking Quick Reference Guide

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Hacker Actions

Repair Icon

Action: Extended
Test: Computer + Medic (1 Combat Turn)
Result: Remove one DV per hit


Action: Extended
Test: Computer or System + Track (10 + mods pg 220, 1 Initiative Pass)
Result: Users home node is discovered

Data Search

Action: Extended
Test: Data Search + Browse (see pg 220)
Result: Discover any data on node. Note only data available to user is found. e.g. a full matrix search only finds data from public access nodes.

Matrix Perception

Action: Simple
Test: Computer + Analyse OR Pilot + Analyse
Result: 1 piece of information per hit

Evade Detection

Action: Complex
Test: Hacking + Stealth or Firewall + Stealth [Opposed by Matrix Perception]
Result: Avoid Detection

Hack on the Fly

Action: Extended
Test: Hacking + Exploit (Firewall, 1 Initiative Pass)
Result: Creates user account. +3 or +6 threshold for security or admin account
Notes: Node make Detect Intrusion once per test

Probing Node

Action: Extended
Test: Hacking + Exploit (System + Firewall, 1 hour [VR] 1 day [AR]
Result: Creates user account. +3 or +6 threshold for security or admin
Notes: Node may Detect Intrusion once.

Crash Program, Device, OS

Action: Extended
Test: Hacking + Attack (Firewall + System, 1 Combat Turn)
Result: Target crashes and reboots in (system) combat turns

Disarm Data Bomb

Action: Complex
Test: Opposed Hacking + Defuse (Data bomb rating x2)
Result: Bomb Deactivated.

Locate Matrix Traffic

Action: Complex
Test: Computer + Browse (Variable) Result: Find a matrix traffic process

Eavesdrop Matrix Traffic

Action: Complex
Test: Hacking + Sniffer Result: Intercept matrix traffic. User may detect on a Matrix Perception (hits) test

Incept Fake Matrix Traffic

Action: Complex
Test: Opposed Hacking + Sniffer (Firewall + System)
Result: Creates fake traffic which appear to have come form a valid user

Redirect Trace

Action: Complex
Test: Opposed Hacking + Spoof (Computer OR System + Trace)
Result: Add 1 to trace threshold

Spoof Command

Action: Complex
Test: Opposed Hacking + Spoof (System OR Pilot + Firewall)
Result: Issue a valid command

Edit Log

Action: Complex
Test: Opposed Hacking + Edit (System + Firewall)
Result: System log can be edited
Notes: System may Detect Intruder

Spoof Data Trail

Action: Complex
Test: Hacking + Spoof (2)
Result: Scrambles data trail

Spoof Devices Data Trail

Action: Complex
Test: Logic + Hardware (2)
Result: Erases the data trail memory on a device


Action: Complex
Test: Command + Skill (Complexity of Command)
Result: Issue a command to a controlled device, pilot or agent. If not controlled device must be spoofed

Electronic Warfare

Locate Specific Wireless Network

Action: Extended
Test: Electronic Warfare + Scan (variable, 1 combat turn)
Result: Finds a particular network

Find Hidden Device

Action: Complex
Test: Electronic Warfare + Scan (4)
Result: Discover a device in hidden mode

Defeat Wireless Encryption

Action: Extended
Test: Electronic Warfare + Decrypt (Encryption Rating x 2, 1 Combat Turn)
Result: Defeats wireless encryption.

Intercept Wireless Signal

Action: Complex
Test: Electronic Warfare + Sniffer (3)
Result: Record wireless traffic from a device. You must first decrypt it.


Action: Complex
Test: None
Result: Jams all wireless traffic with a Signal + ECCM rating less that the jamming devices ECM rating.

Node Actions

Detect Intrusion

Action: Extended
Test: System + Firewall (Stealth, Once per illegal operation)
Result: System goes on Alert

Activate Alert

Action: Free
Test: Automatic
Result: +4 Firewall, Launch IC etc

Terminate Connection

Action: Complex
Test: Opposed Firewall + System [Exploit* + Hacking]
Result: User logged off. *Only if hacker used exploit to obtain account.

Activate Alert

Action: Extended
Test: Extended System + Response (10, 1 Combat Turn)
Result: Host Resets. All users logged off.

Cyber Combat


Action: Complex
Test: Opposed Cyber Combat + Attack (Response + Firewall)
Result: DV or attack rating = hits

Resist Damage

Action: NA
Test: System + Armour (OR Willpower + Biofeedback Filter)
Result: Reduce one DV per hit

Log out from Back IC

Action: Complex
Test Willpower + Biofeedback Filter (Black IC Rating + Response)
Result: Success required to log off.