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Optional Rules Scatter And Locations

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Optional Rules: Scatter And Location

Scatter[[Anchor scatter}}

To determine whether the attack scatters from the default aim point, consult Table 1. If the attack scatters roll a D6 and consult figure 1 to determine the direction of the scatter, 1 scatters up 2 up and right etc. Scatter for burst and auto-fire shots are determined differently (See Automatic Fire and Scatter). In large scale combats the GM may wish to ignore the scatter rules to save time.

Net Successes in Attacker’s Favour 1 2 3 4+
Number of Hexes Attack Scatters 3 2 1 0
Table 1: Scatter.

Going back to Dr Faulks, the security guard got 2 net successes on the Attack test. That means the bullet scatters by 2 hexes from the default aim point on the torso. The guard rolls a 1 and a 3 on the Scatter roll. The bullet scatters up one hex and down and right one hex. It still hits on the torso location. Rhitlocations 2.png

Taking Damage[[Anchor takingdamage}}

There are six locations for taking damage. The Head, Torso, Left Arm, Right Arm, Left Leg and Right Leg. Each location has its own condition monitor. Attacks that hit the head have the damage of the weapon staged up by one level.

When ever any location other than the torso takes damage, the torso also takes the same damage at one level lower. e.g. If the left arm takes a serious wound, the torso takes a moderate wound. This represents the shock, blood loss and trauma suffered. Damage does not transfer to the torso if the character has been shot in a location replaced by a cyberlimb. In the case of cyber limbs they make a resistance test with a body of 3. Cyberlimbs can have armour added and have their body increased though (see Man and Machine).

A character that is injured in multiple damage locations uses the torso or head injury (which ever is greater) level to calculate their initiative and target number modifiers. If they are using a limb that is injured, the target number modifiers for that limb are applied. A shot to a leg also reduces the characters qucikness (only for movement) by a number equal to the target number modifier.

Solitaire has been shot in her left arm for a Moderate wound and so takes a Light wound to the torso. When she used he right hand to shoot she doesn’t receive the +2 target number modifier from the Serious wound in her left arm, but does receive the +1 Target number for the wound to her torso. Solitaire then takes another hit to the torso taking her torso injury to a Serious level. Now when she tries to take any action (even with her less injured left arm) she receives a +3 target number modifier.

Area of effect attacks (e.g. grenades, area of effect manipulation spells), shotguns with shot rounds, and combat spells (e.g. Mana Bolt) cause damage equally to all locations e.g. if hit by a serious damage manabolt, a serious damage level is taken to all locations. In this instance the damage to the head is not staged up by one level, and also damage to limbs does not get transfered to the torso.

Death and Injury[[Anchor death}}

A character is dead when their torso or head monitor reaches 10 boxes plus body in overflow damage as per SR3 rules.

If a characters limb reaches a deadly injury level the character can only use the limb after achieving one success on a willpower (2) test, modified by injury modifiers. If the limb reaches 10 boxes plus half body attribute in overflow it is incapacitated and can no longer be used. If a limb reaches 10 boxes plus body in overflow damage it is destroyer (rendered completely useless or blown/cut/shot/pulled off). The limb may not be healed and must me amputated and later can be replaced by transplant surgery.

Once any location reaches a deadly injury level (10 boxes) the location is severely bleeding. The location takes one additional box of damage every (Body Rating) combat turns. In addition if it is a limb which is on a deadly injury level, the torso also suffers one box of damage every (Body Rating) combat turns. Even after a limb has been completely destroyed by bleeding, the torso location still takes one box of damage from the bleeding every (Body Rating) combat turns, until the wound is treated.

Solitaire is having a really bad day. Her left arm takes another hit which puts it on a deadly injury level. She has a body of 4 and so every 4 combat turns her left arm takes another box of damage AND her torso location takes a box of damage from the bleeding. After eight combat turns her arm reaches 2 boxes of overflow and it is now incapacitated, she has also take 2 boxes of damage to her torso. After another eight combat turns her arm reaches 4 boxes or overflow and now has to be removed, and she also takes another 2 boxes of damage to her torso. Even tough her arm is now a bloody destroyed mess, she still takes a box of damage every 4 combat turns to her torso monitor.

Armour and Locations[[Anchor armour}}

The armour level of each location is different as shown in Table 7. For determining armour for area of effect attacks (e.g. grenades) and for determining armour effects on combat pool (SR3 p.285) use the average value.

Armour Type Head Torso Arms Legs Average Encumbrance Factor Conealability
Armoured Clothing
3/0 3/0 3/0 3/0 4 10
Armoured Jacket
5/3 3/1
5/3 8 6
Long Coat
5/3 3/1 4/2 4/2 8 8
Armoured Vest
2/1 2 13
Armoured Vest with Plates
4/3 7 9
0/2 0/2 0/2 0/2 6 10
Synth. Leathers
0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 3 12
Security Helmet 6/4
Light Security Armour with Helmet 6/4 7/5 4/2 4/2 9/5 12 0
Heavy Security Armour with Helmet 6/4 8/8 6/4 6/4 10/9 19 0
Form Fitting Vest
3/0 3 14
Form Fitting Shirt
4/1 4/1
3/1 6 13
Form Fitting Full Body Suit 4/1 4/1 4/1 4/1 5/1 9 12
Table 3: Armour by Damage Location.

Encumbrance Factor (Customisable Armour Rules)

Each character has a Maximum Encumbrance Rating which is equal to their (Body + Strength + Quickness)/3 rounded down.

This number represents the awkwardness of the armour. For each two levels of encumbrance factor over the characters maximum encumbrance rating the character suffers -1 on their combat pool. If multiple layers of armour are worn their encumbrance factors arm added. This effect can be removed if the Form Fitting Armour Option is selected for the armour.

If multiple layers of armour are worn then for each point that the encumbrance factor exceeds the characters Maximumu Encumbrance Rating that character suffers a +1 target number modifier on all quickness and dodge related tests and a -1 quickness modifier for movement purposes. This effect can be removed by taking the Custom Tailoring option is selected for the armour. Helmets do not count as layered armour.