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Jinx was previously known as 'a symbol of an X over a J' (a 'J in X')
Initially he ran with the streetname 'Jiraya'
Formerly an FBI agent that, he across some illegal activities within the Bureau and had to go on the run, life was in risk. Became a shadowrunner to survive.
Possesses a familiar that can mimic Jinx as one of its many forms. This allows Jinx to never have to go to work, just sending in the familiar in and utilising sense link to be aware of whatever goes on.
Career Highlights
Learnt force 13 firestrike
Accidently involved with Dunkelzahn's assasination
Used force 13 firestrike
One of a select few to be involved with multiple different forms of time travel - which turned out never to have happened when reality realigned.
Used force 13 firestrike
Experienced a radical shift in magic theory which altered how everything worked (also knows as a move from 2nd to 3rd edition rules)
Used force 13 firestrike
Responsible for the Trust The Sofa advertising campaign that swept Seattle for several months.


High level magic initiate. Jinx has always been more focused on having magial depth as opposed to breadth. While having relatively few spells for one so experienced, he balances it by having great power, notably a force 13 firestrike - which he has used far too often, and prides himself on hardly ever taking drain from it. For most of Jinx's shadowrunning career he has operated with another mage in the party, which has made up for his lack of spells, and has allowed him to specialise in astral abilities. With a force 5 weapon focus, a team of elementals, and even an ally spirit, Jinx is quite a force to be reckoned with in astral combat.

Favoured Weaponry

  • Walther palm Pistol
  • Force 13 firestrike


Before becoming a shadowrunner, Jinx used to work for the FBI, partnered with a decking specialist. One day his partner was investigating why some of the internal security cameras were offline, and upon turning them back on discovered high ranking governing officials discussing a plot to take over Seattle (Is my recollection correct Stuart?). After a minute or so of eavesdropping on the conversation Jinx's partner was discovered, and just managed to pop out a recording of the event and push it into Jinx's hand before collapsing under an attack of IC. Jinx hesitated.. his long-time partner needing help.. yet begging that he run and get the video footage to someone who might be able to stop it. Jinx ran, and managed to escape the building before it could be locked down. He couldn't return to his family - they would be watched. He couldn't use his own expensive car (Oh thank you Stuart, thank yo so very very very much you bastard, I paid for that car out of chargen cash, and you screwed me on it!!) - it would be flagged and spotted in seconds by the police. he had no choice but to his the streets, and hide out. Fortunatly for Jinx he knew of an FBI aquaintance that had left for the shadows of the street that now went by the name of Death Lock, and was able to get a message to him asking for assistance and giving some indication of the video footage he had in his possession. Jinx was put in touch with some shadowrunners who apparently were investigating the existance of a plot, who were eager to get their hands on this video footage, which would be their first piece of solid evidence, and would welcome an addition to their team. Jinx was nervous as he sat in the bar with his drink, waiting for the predetermined time. Heading to the jukebox he lined up the next song, and headed to the bar again, ordering himself another drink - a ceremony closely watched by a group that moved over to him and introduced themselves as the people he was here to meet. In a matter of hours Jinx was thrown from his own problems, to fighting insect spirits to help out the part on another run they were engaged with - after which he didn't have time to look back, going from run to run, blossoming as a mage as need drove him to ever greater levels of power. Along with gaining many initiate levels, Jinx also created himself an Ally Spirit - naming him Snappy. And during that time being part of the team that defeated Odioso. After about 2 to 3 years of running the shadows, Jinx finally came to the attention of the feds again as a possible resource, and he was invited to work for a federal task force to combat magical threats in Washington - working with Mortis with Black Cat heading up the team. Work was intense, but rewarding, dealing with threat after magical threat, until after about a year Jinx decided to move on to other things. Jinx spent a short time working as magical security to the new president Dunkelzahn - and was 'let go' with the entire team after the disastrous death. (Can't remmeber if big-D died before or after i worked for the feds in Bob's game.. if before.. need to move this section up a little) A year or so in magical exploration was interrupted when his old colleague Whisper got in touch - wanting help rescuing Jade - a mission that resulted in the accidental freeing of Odioso.

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