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Stands for 'Better Than Life', a simsense virtual reality chip.

The high of choice for many an idiot lush. BTL technology is ironically one of the fastest developing and growing areas of Simsense technology. The term BTL can refer to any simsense recording were the ASSIST feedback exceeds recognized safety limits. There are many different types of BTL at the bottom end of the market are the so called "California hots" Cal Free has a far higher accepted ASSIST threshold than either CAS or UCAS. making many "Standard" Simsenses originating in Cal Free illegal in other countries. Needless to say California editions of popular Simsense are a common smuggled item. This form of BTL is relatively harmless, comparable to Strong alcohol or Cannabis, in terms of danger and social acceptability. There is also the possibility of low level subliminal conditioning through the ASSIST Feedback. This is why many Extraterritorial Mega corps uses this as the default level for company cinemas and training chips. True BTLS come in three distinctive types: Moodchips, Fantasy Chips and Persona Fix Chips.

  • Moodchips work by stimulating specific moods and sensation, typically euphoria and the pleasure centers of the brain.
  • Fantasychips work much like a normal simsense, in that they have a "Story" However unlike a normal simsense recording the emotional and sensation feedback has been elevated beyond all safe limits.
  • Personafix chips are the most complicated, strangest and potentially most dangerous of all BTLS. They work by overriding the user’s personality and replacing it with an artifcal matrix. You to can be The Blackwood Sniper, Mc Bain, Dracula, Holly Brighton or any other individual you want to be. Like all BTLS they are addictive, more expensive personafix chips come with optically clustered skillsofts, so that the user gains some of the skill of the Persona. These chips lead to all kinds on incidents and extortion rackets as rouge users become convinced that all bystanders are vampires, or that they are a a superfast martial artist who can take down those bad mouthing troll gangers etc. Rumors abound of megacorps and organized crime using long life Personafix chips as a method of slavery. By crafting Personachips with personalities that want to be henchmen, prostitutes, unprotected toxic waste disposal workers etc, they get there victims in a double bind. When the chips running they want to work for them, when its not, all the poor victim wants another chip.