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Revision as of 21:27, 3 August 2004 by Azrael (talk) (typo)
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•Street samurai with a tactical computer (back when the rules made them Highly Effective).
Career Highlights
•Shooting a party of school children discovered while on a run, because Johnson said 'Leave no witnesses'
•Killing people with single shot gel rounds to the head
•Had cyber-arm (containing tactical computer) stolen
•Famous rescue of Michael Knight


  • Cyber-arm containing a tactical computer, with nearly all the add-ons
  • Shoots people with gel-rounds, and then carefully collects up the gel rounds afterwards
  • Known in the team for her ability to kill with a single gel round to the head

Favoured Weaponry


Raven is a highly proffesional and reliable shadowrunner who prides herself on always getting the job done, and always meeting the requirements of the relevant Mr Johnson. During one mission before she joined the group, she was required to infiltrate a corporate facility, carry out an assasination, and depart again; with the added instruction that no one that saw her would remain alive. The purpose of this was to continue the reputation of her employers that they could 'reach anyone' and that they could kill 'unseen'. Raven was fully aware of the implications of her order, she was required to conduct her mission as convertly as possible, if possible to leave the target dead, with no-one aware of how it was done. At first the mission went to plan, Raven got in and killed the target without being spotted, however her information about her route out wasn't up to date, and she was unaware that the was heading down a corridor into which a party of school children would be led while on a tour of their parents work place. With ruthless efficiency, Raven shot the tour guides, and followed up with the children, dispatching each and every one with a single shot to the head. While pleased that Raven had followed out the mission to the exact specifications, her employers were a little shocked at what had been done, while it increased their reputation and spread fear of crossing them with their other contacts, they couldn't bring themselves to employ Raven again, and so she moved to Seattle for a change of environment and to run a different set of shadows.

After teaming up with the group, there was one incident of note. One of the team (Michael Knight), was recuperating in hospital from an injury, when his doctors took him to another room to conduct medical experiments on him (Bad Karma coming back to haunt him). While the team argued and debated about the best way to help him, Raven decided that action was required at once, and set off alone. Arriving in the hospital, Raven got in the lift, and headed up to the last known location of Michael Knight. He was not there when she arrived, and no-one could tell her where he had gone. Getting back into the lift Raven noticed that the time taken between floors was not even, and eventually discovered an extra floor. With little regard for her own safety, Raven halted the lift 'between floors' and got out into the secret level, where two guards were stationed. A single shot to the head each, and they were down, security alerted, and more guards on their way. Another two guards from a nearby room hurried out to see what was going on, and died with a single round to the head each aswell. Alerted to the seriousness of the situation, two more guards blocked Raven's way, each wearing full combat armour - yet this too was unable to stop the single round she put into their heads, and she ran past their lifeless bodies searching for her friend and teammate. She found him, strapped into a hospital bed, and his spine severed, to test a new spine-injury medicine. Thankfully the treatment was effective, and he was able to move, but guards were assembling outside already, and they needed to make a break before more arrived. Strapping some grenades to the hospital bed, the pair burst out of the room, pushing the wheel-bed towards the guards, and running the other way shooting. The grenades exploded, giving the pair sufficient time to dive into the lift, whereupon they landed at the feet of the rest of the party who had finally gotten around to coming to help.

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