From Nighthawks Shadowrun Wiki
Lifestyle for Eclipse
- Area - Middle
- Entertainment - Low
- Furnishings - Low
- Security - High
- Space - Middle
Lifestyle Qualities: Hasty Access, Escape Tunnel, Terrific View, Good Insulation, Reliable Utilities, Roommate from Heaven
Total Cost: ¥6,090
Safe House
- Area - Low
- Comforts - Low
- Entertainment - Low
- Furnishings - Low
- Security - High
- Space - Low
Lifestyle Qualities: Defensive Setup, Escape Tunnel, Inconspicuous.
Total Cost: ¥2,702
Bolt Hole
- Area - Low
- Comforts - Squatter
- Entertainment - Squatter
- Furnishings - Low
- Security - High
- Space - Low
Lifestyle Qualities: Escape Tunnel, Haunted, Cursed Amenities, Gnomes Under the Floorboards, Portal in the Closet
Total Cost: ¥700