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Eclipse/Everyday Gear

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Gear Carried Every Day by Eclipse

Armour Rating
Form Fitting 3 6/2
Aces High Aviation Jacket 3/3
Shin Guards 0/1
Forearm Guards 0/1
Total Armour 9/5

Caried on Person

Fake SIN rating IV with fake permits rating IV(4,400)

HK Urban Fighter *2 w/ hidden arm slides
3 Clips Regular Ammo for each gun
Re-Breather rating VI
Shades with Smartlink II, Vision Enhancment III, Low Light, Thermo vision
Audio Enhancement III
Cavalier Safeguard taser
Ceramic Knife
AZ 150 Stun Baton
Commlink with skinlink
Body Cavity escape kit

Carried in Satchel

Camera w/ Telephoto Lense
5 IR Smoke Grenades
5 Flash Grenades
5 Fragmentation Grenades
Rating VI Maglock Passkey
Rating VI Sequencer
Rating VI Nano medikit
5 Tranq Patches rating VIII
5 Trauma Patches
Grapple Gun
Stealth rope w Catalyst stick