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Spectre Of The Past

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Spectre of the Past

GM: Stuart
Held at Stuart's on 26th July 2004
Game Date: 26th July 2062

Back to New Orleans Campaign

Cast of Characters

Events by Speedy

   This Mission marked the return of Speedy to the shadows of New Orleans. She quickly found that the usual round of betrayal, gunfights, plots conspiracies and good old fashioned mayhem had changed many of the familiar places and people. (In some cases terminally but she eventually hooked up with two old team mates Myst and Maclaine. Of course Myst had partial amnesia and barely remembered her, while Maclaine was now persona non grata through much of New Orleans shadow community, but hey those are the breaks.
   In serious need of Nuyen, Speedy was grateful that Maclaine managed to quickly hook the team up to a run. Her enthusiasm was some what dampened when  it turned out that the run was actually a favour for an old (ex?) enemy Kyle Leffler, and a major part of the payment was a favour to Maclaine which would (hopefully?) help Stripe to recover from her coma. Speedy had several bad experiences with Stripe when she was running against the group, and in fact considers her to be a bomb happy psycho bitch with an attitude problem to whom Speedy owes serious payback. How ever it turned out there was  considerable  Nuyen involved as well, also Speedy considers revenge on people who are incapable of appreciating it a waste of time, so she signed up for the run.
    The mission was surprisingly straightforward and even vaguely honest.  Natalie Shaw the teenage daughter of PCC member Daniel Shaw, had left  run away to New Orleans  the  disappeared compleatly. Daniel was a friend/contact of  Leffler's and had hired us thought him to find her and bring her home.

The first step in finding her was to try and trace her movments. We been given details the credstick she was using, and with the assistance of contacts of the team, namley some PI friend of Maclaine's (who owned a genuine vintage ford Pontiac), and the decker Stepping node, we traced her pattern of purchases.....

To be continued

Cast of Shadows