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Revision as of 18:04, 22 September 2005 by Corin (talk)
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(Designed to see if high edge really is a viable substitute for skills...) ||
Character notes:
• ???'s sister ???
• Redhead
• Hates spirits (the see-through scary kind)
• Likes spirits (the see-through drinky kind)
• Loves to gamble
• Dislikes Rasberry Ripple flavour ice cream
<-- that's not her picture
Pointed in approximately the right direction by Corin.
Human [0BP]
Attributes [315BP] Rating BP Cost
Body 3 20
Agility 5 40
Reaction 5(7) 40
Strength 3 20
Charisma 3 20
Intuition 3 20
Logic 1 0
Willpower 5 40
Edge 7 50
Magic 6 65
Derived Attribute Rating
Essence 6
Initiative (R+I) 8(10)
Initiative Passes 1(3)
Physical Damage Track (8+B/2) 10
Stun Damage Track (8+W/2) 11
Qualities [-10BP] Notes (Page No.) BP Cost
Adept Powers listed below (p.77) 5
Lucky +1 Max Edge (p.79) 20
Servitude Paying off debt to Naomi Double (wiki) -10
In Debt to Loan Sharks Owes Naomi 20,000 (wiki) -15
Unskilled Feh (wiki) -5
Food Easy life (wiki) -5
Adept Power Level Cost Notes
Astral Perception - 1 I see.. WHAT THE £%$& IS THAT???
Improved Reflexes 2 3 +2 Reaction, +2 Initiative passes
Mystic Armour 4 2 +4/+4 Armour and Astral Armour
Active Skills [84BP] Rating Base Attribute BP Cost
Astral Combat 5 Willpower 20
Unarmed Combat 4 Agility 16
Pistols 2 Agility 8
Dodge 1  ? 4
Perception 1 Intuition 4
Etiquette 1 Charisma 4
Pilot Ground Craft (Wheeled) 1(3) Reaction 4
ATHLETICS 1 Strength/Agility 10
STEALTH 1 Agility/Intuition 10
Knowledge Skills [0BP] Rating Base Attribute BP Cost
Spirit types 4 Intuition? 0(4)
Gambling 4 Intuition? 0(4)
English N - 0
Chinese 4 - 0(4)
Contacts (Link) [7BP] Connection Loyalty BP Cost
Naomi Double (Casino Owner) 4 3 7
Gear (20,000) [4BP]
Yamaha Growler (5,500)

Fake SIN II (2,000)
4 certified credsticks (100)
Renraku Commlink (1000)
Shock gloves (200)
Ares Predator 4, external smartlink, smart glasses, concealable holster, silencer (1,550)
10 spare clips, 90 EX Explosive rounds, 30 regular rounds, 30 gel rounds (1,100)
Grapple gun, stealth line, catalyst stick (1,470)
Lined coat, Fire Resistant III [6/4] (1,000)
4 Metal Restraints (80) ||

Career History
Total Karma
Current Karma
Street Cred
Public Awareness
Karma Spent on... Amount