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(New page: = Sunday Driving for 4th Edition = <br>Sequence of Events<br>1. Determine range and speed.<br>2. Position Test<br>3. Initiative<br>4. Driver Manoeuvres/Passenger Actions<br>5. End of turn...)
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Sunday Driving for 4th Edition

Sequence of Events
1. Determine range and speed.
2. Position Test
3. Initiative
4. Driver Manoeuvres/Passenger Actions
5. End of turn

Starting Range and Speed

Before the beginning of the vehicle combat the GM should determine the range between the vehicles (most combats would start at a Medium range). He should also determine the starting speed (which is of course 0 for stationary vehicles).
Position Test
1. All vehicle drivers make a Pilot test (Reaction + Pilot +/- Handling). The slower vehicle subtracts 1 dice for each 25 difference in speed.
2. The winner of the test can choose to change the range by 1 category for each net success (See below for ranges) e.g. from Long to Short requires 2 successes.

Range Description
Close Bumper to bumper. Close enough to jump between vehicles.
Short 10-40 Meters
Medium 50-150 Meters
Long 150-200 Meters

Pilot Manoeuvres

Every turn a pilot must make one pilot manoeuvre. If the pilot doesn’t make a manoeuvre the next turn the vehicle becomes unstable (all tests at -2). If the pilot fails to make a test in the next turn the vehicle crashes. See the table below for modifiers to vehicle tests.

Condition Modifier
Pilot Wounded Injury Modifier
Vehicle Damaged Damage Modifier
Poor Visibility Visibility Modifier
Open Terrain 0
Light Terrain -1
Restricted Terrain -2
Tight Terrain -3
Augmented Reality +1
AR while remote 0
Virtual Reality +2
VR while remote +2
Vehicle Control Rig +2


The pilot makes a vehicle test (Reaction + Pilot +/- Handling). For every success the vehicles speed for the next turn’s position test is set as the number of success multiplied by acceleration.
If the vehicle is driving at slow (walking) speeds the first acceleration value is used and the modifier due to terrain is reduced by one.
Vehicles driving a fast (running) speeds use the second acceleration rating. The maximum safe value this may reach is the vehicles speed.
If the pilot wishes he can accelerate to unsafe speeds which have a maximum of 150% of the vehicles speed. While at these extreme speeds all crash tests are made at a -1 due to the instability of the vehicle at that speed.
Acceleration can be combined with any other manoeuvre action but the driver only achieves one acceleration success per two successes in their vehicle test.


When evading the pilot may defend against attacks with Reaction + Pilot instead of only reaction.

Overtake/Block (Close Range Only)

To overtake a hostile vehicle the pilot makes a standard acceleration test. The defender may choose to block this. In the case the test becomes an opposed acceleration test. To draw up side by side the attacker needs 2 successes. To completely pass the opponents vehicle the attacker needs 4 successes. If the attacker fails to get completely past in the first overtake action, he may try again next action adding his previous next successes to the test.

Cut Off (Close Range Only)

The pilot attempts to make another vehicle stop or crash. The pilots make an opposed vehicle test. If the attacking pilot is successful the defending vehicle must make a crash test. If the defenders crash test is successful they must either stop or ram the attacking vehicle. If thecut off test fails the attacker’s vehicle is considered to have a speed of 0 for the next turns position test.


The pilot attempts to use tight turns and terrain to out manoeuvre the opponent. The pilot makes a vehicle test. For each success the pilot gains +1 dice to the next position test.


If a driver wants to ram something (or someone) with the vehicle, treat it as a melee attack. The driver rolls Reaction + Vehicle skill +/– Handling to attack. The target rolls Reaction + Dodge if a pedestrian, or Reaction + Vehicle skill +/– Handling if driving another vehicle. If the driver gets more hits, he hits the target. Make the damage resistance test as normal.
The base Damage Value of the attack is determined by the ramming vehicle’s Body and speed, as noted on the Ramming Damage Table. The ramming vehicle must resist only half that amount (round down). Characters resist ramming damage with half their Impact armour (round up). If the ram succeeds, each driver must make an additional Vehicle Test to avoid crashing. The threshold for the ramming driver is 2; the threshold for the rammed driver is 3.
Sideswipe and nudge rams can be used when both vehicles are at close range. The attacking vehicle takes Body/4 DV and the defender Body/2 DV. Dodge tests to avoid nudges and sideswipes are at -2 due to the close proximity. On a glitch result both vehicles become locked together. Either driver can make a pilot (2) test to break free. While locked together all manoeuvres are at -4 dice pool.
The pilot attempts to manoeuvre the vehicle in such a way as to align the vehicles weapons systems or give the vehicles passengers a better angle for ranged attacks. The pilot makes a vehicle test. Each success gives one weapon system on the attacking vehicle OR the passengers of the vehicle (not both) +1 dice for the next attack to a maximum of half the pilot’s vehicle skill.


The art of dog fighting is to manoeuvre your vehicle directly behind the opponents hence restricting the opponent’s weapons fire. Make an opposed vehicle test with the following modifiers. If successful the attacker has a superior position and receives +2 dice pool to position tests and attack tests until the defender breaks away. The defender also can’t use any ranged weapons that are not rear facing. To break away a defender must make an opposed vehicle test and win.

Dogfight Modifier
Close Range +1
Short Range 0
Medium Range -1
Long Range -2
Superior position (i.e. won last dog fight) +2
Air vs Ground +1

Controlled Stop/Handbrake turn

This manoeuvre involves going from full speed to stopping at a precise position (and even changing direction). Make a vehicle test with a threshold of the terrain based on the area the pilot wants to stop in (Open 0, Light 1, Restricted 2, Tight 3) – note for this test the pilot doesn’t receiver negative nice pool modifiers as well! If the pilot also wants to stop the vehicle so it is facing the opposite direction then apply a -2 dice pool modifier.


The ultimate in nerves! Two vehicles which are heading towards each other can play chicken. Both vehicle drivers must elect to play (otherwise this is a standard ram). Each pilot rolls a vehicle test but also adds their willpower. Who ever loses the test “blinks” first and their vehicle goes out of control. Next turn they must make a crash test unless they spend an entire action controlling the vehicle. For the next turn their speed is considered to be 0. If the opposed test is a tie then neither pilot “blinks” and they suffer a head on crash.

Shove (Close range)

The attaching vehicle attempts to push a vehicle in the direction it wishes e.g. onto rail road tracks or off a cliff. If the defender is moving the attacker must have succeeded in a ram test in the previous action. The pilots make an opposed Vehicle Body + Pilot +/- Handling test. If the attacker is successful the defender is push 1 meter for each net success. If the defender is successful they escape the situation and the attacker will need to make another ram test.