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=== Norfolk Hampton Metroplex ===

The Norfolk Hampton Metroplex ( The NHM) is home to the CAS primary naval facility. The entire area has been declared under military juristiction consequently local police operations are handled by the CAS Naval shore patrol. Given the size of the NHM, only a relativly small number of the shore patrol are trained in proper police investagive procedures, most of the "beat Cops" and patrol officer are CAS marines. A significant chunk of the entire CASMarine corp spends at least one duty rotation serving on the SP. There is a considrable corperate presence in the NHM, mainly from Corps trying to grow fat on rich naval contracts. This naturaly has led to an active shadow community.

There are also a large number of consulates and acredited embassys. The CAS is well aware that these are are often thinly veild espionage centers, but reasons that ones they know about are better than ones they do. The one exception is Aztechnology/Aztlan, which has been banned from any offical presence in the city for reasons of national security.