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 === Marine Special Covert Recon Unit ===

The Marine Special Covert Recon Unit is a special unit currently attached to CAS intelligence operations, currently operating in the Norfolk Hampton Metroplex. The MSCRU was the brain of some unknown CAS intelligence officer. The problem was the need for completely deniable yet often low key (and relatively low budget) black and grey ops. Like many organizations the various branches of the CAS intelligence organizations used Shadowrunners in these roles, and like many organizations they had some times been betrayed or misled by there "Employees" almost as often as they did the betraying. The solution was to "create" a shadowrunning team. One composed of military personnel. Sent in under false ids they would live life in the shadows engaging in the normal run of criminal activity and shady dealings. But they would exist as an asset for CAS intelligence to call on. Since they would be constantly and permanently "on the streets" they would establish contacts, networks and a reputation as "real shadowrunners" which would give them a level of plausible deniability far greater than any normal team simply posing as shadowrunners. While the knowledge they were actually ordering a covert military unit into operation, rather than dealing with criminals made the Intel deskjockys feel a lot more secure.

 The members of the   first team assemble  MSCRU -1 were carefully and rigorously selected.  They need marines that were loyal, skilled and competent, yet had sufficiently marginal personalities that they could both pass and operate in the criminal underworld.