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SR4 Firearms in Melee Combat

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Using Ranged Weapons in Melee

If a character is in Melee range with another character who tries to attack using a ranged weapon, the defender may resist using a Block (Unarmed + Agility), a Parry (Weapon + Agility) or a melee dodge (Dodge + Reaction) or defender may instead choose to go on full defence (losing their next action) and resist with a Full Block (Unarmed + Unarmed + Agility), or a Full Parry (Weapon + Weapon + Agility) or a Full Dodge (Dodge + Dodge + Reaction).

Characters may also block ranged attacks on other targets if they are in melee range with the attack.

e.g. TNO is shooting at Ironclad (who is 5 meters away) while TNO is in melee range of a tiad soldier, then the Triad Sldier can use a Parry, Full Parry, Block or Full Block to reduce TNO's ranged test hits.

If a character is in melee range with another with someone and is attacked by a ranged weapon from outside of melee range they recieve a -3 dice to their normal ranged defence options(e.g. reaction or reaction + dodge for full dodge).

If a character is attempting to use a large ranged weapon while in melee range with another character then they get a dice pool modifier as shown below.

Weapon Size Modifier
Tiny: Hold Out 0
Small: Pistol, Knife -1
Medium: SMG -2
Large: Assault Rifle, Crossbow -3
Very Large: Sniper rifle, LMG/MMG
Huge: HMG's, Miniguns, Missile Launchers, Long Bow -6



TNO is in melee combat range with Ironclad.
TNO wants to shoot Ironclad with her Warhawk (Ranged attack).
TNO gets a no dice pool modifier.
Ironclad gets no dice pool modifier and resists using a Parry, Block or Melee Dodge.


TNO is in Melee Combat with Ironclad. Danny Boy is standing five meters away.
Danny Boy shoots Ironclad with his semi auto.
Danny Boy attacks with his normal dice pool.
Ironclad receives a -3 dice to his defence pool as he is in Melee Range with TNO.


TNO is in Melee Range with Ironclad. A Triad Soldier is standing 5 meters away.
TNO shots at the Triad Solider with her Warhawk.
TNO receives no dice modifier to shoot the Triad Soldier as she is in Melee Range with another person (Ironclad).
The Triad Soldier gets no modifier to his defence pool.
Ironclad can use a Block or Parry to reduce TNO’s Hits