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System messages

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This is a list of system messages available in the MediaWiki namespace. Please visit MediaWiki Localisation and if you wish to contribute to the generic MediaWiki localisation.

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Name Default message text
Current message text
filetype-banned-type (talk) (Translate) <strong>".$1"</strong> {{PLURAL:$4|is not a permitted file type|are not permitted file types}}. Permitted {{PLURAL:$3|file type is|file types are}} $2.
filetype-mime-mismatch (talk) (Translate) File extension ".$1" does not match the detected MIME type of the file ($2).
filetype-missing (talk) (Translate) The file has no extension (like ".jpg").
filetype-unwanted-type (talk) (Translate) <strong>".$1"</strong> is an unwanted file type. Preferred {{PLURAL:$3|file type is|file types are}} $2.
fileuploadsummary (talk) (Translate) Summary:
filewasdeleted (talk) (Translate) A file of this name has been previously uploaded and subsequently deleted. You should check the $1 before proceeding to upload it again.
fix-double-redirects (talk) (Translate) Update any redirects that point to the original title
formerror (talk) (Translate) Error: Could not submit form.
fri (talk) (Translate) Fri
friday (talk) (Translate) Friday
friday-at (talk) (Translate) Friday at $1
gender-female (talk) (Translate) She edits wiki pages
gender-male (talk) (Translate) He edits wiki pages
gender-unknown (talk) (Translate) When mentioning you, the software will use gender neutral words whenever possible
generic-pool-error (talk) (Translate) Sorry, the servers are overloaded at the moment. Too many users are trying to view this resource. Please wait a while before you try to access this resource again.
go (talk) (Translate) Go
googlesearch (talk) (Translate) <form method="get" action="//" id="googlesearch"> <input type="hidden" name="domains" value="{{SERVER}}" /> <input type="hidden" name="num" value="50" /> <input type="hidden" name="ie" value="$2" /> <input type="hidden" name="oe" value="$2" /> <input type="text" name="q" size="31" maxlength="255" value="$1" /> <input type="submit" name="btnG" value="$3" /> <div> <input type="radio" name="sitesearch" id="gwiki" value="{{SERVER}}" checked="checked" /><label for="gwiki">{{SITENAME}}</label> <input type="radio" name="sitesearch" id="gWWW" value="" /><label for="gWWW">WWW</label> </div> </form>
gotointerwiki (talk) (Translate) Leaving {{SITENAME}}
gotointerwiki-external (talk) (Translate) You are about to leave {{SITENAME}} to visit [[$2]] which is a separate website. [$1 Click here to continue on to $1].
gotointerwiki-invalid (talk) (Translate) The specified title was invalid.
grant-basic (talk) (Translate) Basic rights
grant-blockusers (talk) (Translate) Block and unblock users
grant-createaccount (talk) (Translate) Create accounts
grant-createeditmovepage (talk) (Translate) Create, edit, and move pages
grant-delete (talk) (Translate) Delete pages, revisions, and log entries
grant-editinterface (talk) (Translate) Edit the MediaWiki namespace and user CSS/JavaScript
grant-editmycssjs (talk) (Translate) Edit your user CSS/JavaScript
grant-editmyoptions (talk) (Translate) Edit your user preferences
grant-editmywatchlist (talk) (Translate) Edit your watchlist
grant-editpage (talk) (Translate) Edit existing pages
grant-editprotected (talk) (Translate) Edit protected pages
grant-generic (talk) (Translate) "$1" rights bundle
grant-group-administration (talk) (Translate) Perform administrative actions
grant-group-customization (talk) (Translate) Customization and preferences
grant-group-email (talk) (Translate) Send email
grant-group-file-interaction (talk) (Translate) Interact with media
grant-group-high-volume (talk) (Translate) Perform high volume activity
grant-group-other (talk) (Translate) Miscellaneous activity
grant-group-page-interaction (talk) (Translate) Interact with pages
grant-group-private-information (talk) (Translate) Access private data about you
grant-group-watchlist-interaction (talk) (Translate) Interact with your watchlist
grant-highvolume (talk) (Translate) High-volume editing
grant-oversight (talk) (Translate) Hide users and suppress revisions
grant-patrol (talk) (Translate) Patrol changes to pages
grant-privateinfo (talk) (Translate) Access private information
grant-protect (talk) (Translate) Protect and unprotect pages
grant-rollback (talk) (Translate) Rollback changes to pages
grant-sendemail (talk) (Translate) Send email to other users
grant-uploadeditmovefile (talk) (Translate) Upload, replace, and move files
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